Friday, March 4, 2011


Valentines Day Massacre is back... and it  STILL SUCKS!!! I'm not sure why but this work out really gets me in my head. I think its the lack of mental gaming you can do when you start since the times are all odd and strange. Ash and I both beat our old scores (distance ran, and reps) but in all honesty, I think I only did because I knew my old ones and could benchmark myself. Either way, I'm excited to do this when I'm not on my meriad. 

WARM UP- DS (I don't know why its called that)

Do between 2-5 rounds of the following (We did 2 since its just a warm up, but do 5 if you want a good work out!)

10 Burpees! Ash rocks these!

20 Sumo squats (Wide legs & fingers to the ground!)

30 Crunches!

 100 Ball Taps (Alternating legs)

Remember.. Its only 20 minutes long, and the times are broken up into confusing segments to keep you from gaming it. The goal is to get as many reps and as much distance as possible. so keep count!

1. Run on treadmill that's at 3% incline for 5:23 (hit pause, don't hit stop no matter what, so your distance is still there and you can go back to it)

2. Go immediately (NO REST) to do pull ups till the clock is at 9 minutes Meaning, do as many as possible for 3 minutes and 37 seconds . Guys do dead-hang pull-ups (no kicking your legs, just 100% arms) Girls, do jumping pull-ups or use a band. Ash does real pull-ups because she's a bad ass so just adjust if you have to.

3. Back to the treadmill (NO REST, THE CLOCK IS RUNNING), press unpause. Raise the incline to 6% and run as far as you can till the clock reads 12:47. meaning run for 3 minutes and 47 seconds. press pause not stop.

4. Straight into Weighted Squats, this will suck. Guys use two 25lb weights, girls use 15lbs. (remember everyone is unique so adjust accordingly) Do as many as possible till the 16 minute mark, or for 3 minutes and 13 seconds.

That's our bud Chris Mello giving Ash a good yelling at! Check his blog out HERE 
5. Back to the treadmill, take it down to flat, no incline! you have 4 minutes to cover as much distance as possible! This is a great place to really put yourself into a hole, go till you are almost at failure! Remember that you don't know what you can do till your body fails! 100% EFFORT!!

CONGRATS!!!! YOU FINISHED!!! Now lay on the floor and writhe!

Seriously guys, you should try this one! It is a BEAST! I'm pretty terrible at it but Ash kills it!

Good luck!

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