Tuesday, March 8, 2011


While Tyler is off galavanting around Lake Tahoe, I have been here in Santa Monica kicking sugar's ass, while simultaneously Kenny Kane kicks mine.  I've done some pretty intense workouts with KK in the past 2 days. The first of which I like to call "Bloody Knuckles", basically because when I finished my knuckles looked like someone had run a cheese grater over my fists!  It was the closest thing to being in a fist fight I'll probably ever get.  It was not pleasant, but I sure felt like a real BADASS afterwards!!

So, here it is: BLOODY KNUCKLES!

"Burpee combination punch", which is a burpee (jump down into plank position,  jump back to standing) followed by a jab, cross punch, and a hook.  You'll need someone with a punching mat or a punching bag to work with, as well as some gloves.  And trust me, even with gloves on you'll still have bloody knuckles!  Do this combination 1 time, then the whole thing 2 times, and so on, up to 5... then work your way back down to 1.  (So it goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)  Do it all as fast as you can!!

Then do:

5 rounds of:
10 pushups
50 Cross punches, alternating hands

5 rounds of:
10 front kicks/ side kicks combination, alternating legs each round

5 rounds of:
30 second handstand hold (preferably without the wall if you can)
50 hook punches, alternating hands

By now your knuckles should look something like this:

And there you have it!  Don't worry, it's nothing a little ice and Neosporin won't take care of.  Kenny also taught me how to do some super cool Karate moves called spinning heel kicks.  I don't think I could use them to defend myself in a dark alley just yet, but I'm working on it.  Thanks for the moves, KK!

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