Thursday, March 24, 2011

TEAM Workout!

I got back from my trip to Florida just in time for a great team workout Kenny had prepared for Tyler and I.  I suppose you could say that all of the workouts we do are team workouts, but lets not part hairs.  The idea is to complete the entire workout (each doing a 2 mile run up hill with 6 different exercises sporadically placed in between) as fast as possible, while communicating with your teammate along the way to distribute the work between you.  Certain movements are easy for me, like squats and inverted burpees, while others are Tyler's strength, such as pull ups and push ups.  We managed to keep it pretty even and worked really well together.  I guess that's a good sign for a newly married couple.  Go us!

So in case you have a workout partner and want to give it a shot, here it is...

Each person starts on a treadmill with the incline set at 3.0.  You each will need to run a total of 2 miles at the same time, keeping your paces the same.  If one gets tired and needs to pull back, the other person must do so too.  Here's the fun part- every 2 minutes you have to raise the incline by 1.0.  So, at 2 minutes into the run, you're raising it to 4.0, at 4 minutes you raise to 5.0, and so on.  Obviously the lower the incline, the easier it is, so the incentive is to cover as much ground at the beginning as you can.  Now, here's the even more fun part.  Every 2 minutes and 25 seconds, you push pause on the treadmill, hop off and both complete a team task.  The task is done one at a time, meaning when I'm working, Tyler is resting.  As I said, you can divide up the work however you want, you just have to make sure at least one person is moving at all times.  Both can't rest at once! As soon as you complete the task, get back on those treadmills and get towards that 2 mile mark!!

Here are the tasks to be completed, in order:
@ 2:17 - 50 inverted burpee 
@ 5:41 - 60 dumb bell front sq. 25lbs for the ladies & 35 for dudes.
@9:57 - 70 pullups 
@ 12:43 80 Kettle Bell swing 40 lbs for chicks & 50 lbs for dicks
@ 15:39 90 pushups 
@ trainers challenge pace  100 sit to stands

@ 2:17 - 50 inverted burpee 
@ 5:41 - 60 dumb bell front sq

@9:57 - 70 pullups 

@ 12:43 80 Kettle Bell swing
@ 15:39 90 pushups 

@ trainers challenge pace  100 sit to stands

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