Sunday, February 20, 2011

Molly and Roy are DICK HEADS.

Most people who go to parties bring things like red wine and six packs, which is considered the usual party fodder. Last night i found myself at an awesome throw down and Molly and Roy showed up... WITH A FIVE GALLON BUCKET FILLED WITH CHOCOLATE COVERED ALMONDS!!!!

(deep breath, count to ten, regain composure)

Yeah, it was sugar free chocolate that covered those almonds. But what kind of sick maniacal bastards would pull such a move?! Anyway, we all stayed strong, and although they were sugarless everyone refrained.

Maybe Molly and Roy aren't dick heads... I might have been quick to judge, maybe this was like when your parents try to teach you life lessons that you don't understand till you are older.

Quite possibly Molly and Roy are trying to better this world by helping spread power to the powerless, and tempting them with chocolate, even if it is sugar free, to let us know that we are strong. That we CAN and WILL make it through this difficult 100 days. With help from each other we can make it through anything!!!!

But most likely... they are dick heads.


  1. I found a good recipe for raised donuts yesterday. I didn't make any of them. I kicked those donuts right in the donut hole.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I see where Tyler gets it from...

  4. & Tyler you can't talk because I'm way more sugar free gangster than you by not having beer. Yeah I said it! And what? And what?
