Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Girls-Night tries "BALL SWEAT"

For everyone that doesn't know, our very best friend Casey is nick-named "Girls-Night" (long story)

Kenny Kane trains Ash and I, but he also trains Girls-Night! She not only kicks sugars ass, but kicks the workouts that Kenny gives her in the ass too! She's about to kick "BALL SWEAT" in the tushie!

I popped in and got to watch her get after a workout this morning! It basically involves sprinting (causes sweat) and a medicine ball... with those powers combine... you get...


Warm Up - Rope Climbs - this is a warm up, so don't get your balls sweaty just yet, that's coming later!

Still Warming Up - Ball Work - 2 minutes total 
1 minute of plank position (NO REST)
30 seconds of knees to elbows (NO REST)
30 seconds of pelvic tilts (NO REST)

You shouldn't be sweating yet, cause BALL SWEAT hasn't started yet;)

Now you can rest. For about 2 minutes...

Good, now you are rested.. get your mind right... cause its...


Do the following 4 times!

1- Get on a treadmill and do 1/4 mile sprints! Get sweaty, run hella hard! If you're not sweaty, its just "BALL" and whats the point of BALL without the SWEAT? Keep those 2 words together because they are kindred spirits who love each other!

2 - Do this with a 6 pound medicine ball, This is the BALL part of "BALL SWEAT" 
Chest pass, side toss left, side toss right, underhand toss, over head (soccer) toss, behind the back toss, ball slam! Do this 7 times! That means 7 rounds every time you finish a run so (7 x 4) total. 

Kind of like this...

Repeat so you do 4 times total!

Have you done 4 rounds? Are you sweaty? Did you do 7 rounds of ball handling after each 1/4 mile sprint? If you did... congrats to you friend.. you just did "BALL SWEAT!"

Now... Sit on the floor and be exhausted! 


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