Friday, February 18, 2011

Kane Train's Dynamic Movement - Work Out #5

It's a fairly mellow one today considering the week we had, big focus today on "dynamic, explosive movements"

Warm up - Do this 3 times

10 Slow squats on a bosu ball (See left for Ash's perfect form)
10 Arm swings (each arm in a circle to warm up shoulders)
10 Yard spider man crawl, basically get as low as possible and shift across the floor

Now do some foam rolling through your shoulders, we spent about 15 minutes doing just this. trying to loosen up any junk that's in there.

Then bosu / medicine  ball squat toss - Partner up, do a squat with a 6lb medicine ball and then toss it to your partner on your way up.  Keep moving farther apart till you can do it anymore.

Now for the work out - 5 rounds of the following (no rest in between movements, this work is 7:30 long) And remember, be creative and use what you have! No excuses to not get it done!

30 seconds bosu burpees

30 seconds weight toss (throw a weight in the air and sink into it when you catch it on the other side, once again ashleys form looks much better than mine)

30 seconds medicine ball toss (My form only looks better here because Ash had to take the pics)

30 seconds rest... REPEAT!

now... cool down and stretch out your hamstrings and hips flexors till they feel like they might rip out of your fucking legs! Its always cool to work out in a shirt that says EFF YEAH! and has a picture of Kenny Kane's face... ALWAYS!

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