Thursday, February 17, 2011

Before and After

Good morning my 100SFD comrades! I'm not getting a ton of responses when it comes to before and after pics. I know some people aren't comfortable doing this which is totally understandable. However i wanted to let everyone know that if you change your diet drastically for over 3 months and do quite a bit of exercise at the same time.. there are changes to be seen. Here is our fellow competitor Lannie last year after only 60 days of the "80 Day Sugar Shred" 

Please don't feel like you have to send me the pictures. They are for yourself! If you do the work, you will see results, and the only person who can do that work is you. No excuses. So set a benchmark with a before pic (and if you have the resources a body fat % test) and get to work! :) 

(Thanks for letting me put this up Lannie)


  1. These pictures are awesome! Lan Man, T-bird; sugar free bike trip?

  2. Yeah! Half naked pics of me on the internet.

  3. i like sugar free and bikes.. i could get a few days in somewhere

  4. actually mike, i remember our last bike trip and i ate an entire bag of chocolate chip cookies at that store cause they didnt really have anything and my metabolism was going like a humming bird!
