Friday, February 25, 2011

Goals, harder than a before pic? YES!!

What does "100 Healthiest Days Of Your Life" mean to you?

Really marinate on that for a second.

For me, I'm trying to be healthy not only with my diet but with other aspects of my life too, and it seemed to be spreading into interesting behaviors. I find myself trying to be more patient, after all that's a healthy way to live. Yesterday I was late to work because of wreck on the freeway (surprise LA) and I just had to take a few deep breaths and realize that this was out of my control.  Things like that, they seem small but are part of the fabric of who we are.

Raine at work with her goal board behind her!
I went into Lululemon the other day (yes their work out clothes are pretty much the best ever!) and was struck by a very interesting thing their employees do. Everyone that works there writes their 1, 5, and 10 year goals down and then hangs them up in the store on a huge chalk board! It was strange to see something so personal hung up for everyone to see. I could see right into these peoples lives that wrote these goals, I knew their hopes, dreams and desires. I knew what they think about at night when they go to sleep. I read EVERYONES goals, twice! It was out of place for a retail store but made the experience not so sterile and impersonal.  Big props to Lulu for doing something so progressive! I started talking to a really rad girl who works there named Raine about her goals. I wanted to know how it felt to have hundreds of strangers everyday asking you about your life goals! Raine was totally cool with it, she even seemed excited about sharing them! She ironically dates a guy I know and think is also extremely rad, Blue (see pic below) who I met when I first moved to LA and lived in my truck. He let me stay at his house quite a few nights, such a small world! She challenged me to write out my goals for 1, 5, and 10 years!

So I went home and I did just that. I wrote them In a small notebook, for my own personal viewing, so when i went to bed at night I could just take a peek at them as a reminder to myself. When I was done I shot her a Facebook message saying I was done with my goals and thanks for the inspiration! To which she replied "Yay for fun badass goals. Don't forget to share them with people to hold you accountable!" 


Wow, she put me on the spot! I have to share these with everyone?! Wouldn't it be easier to just put up a before pic where I look a little sloppy and call it a day? And it got me to thinking, this is part of it... The "100 Healthiest Days Of MY Life"... what a better way to start! Yeah its scary to put this stuff out there, but I stopped making decisions based on fear a long time ago!

So here it is people... Take a peek into my hopes dreams and desires... and on top of that, as my friends.. keep me accountable!

FYI - I really wanted to change some things because I knew this was going to be seen by my friends and family, but this is EXACTLY what I wrote down on the paper word for word.



  1. Make more "Funny Or Die" shorts, at least one.
  2. Be in the best shape of my life on my 30th birthday
  3. Be more patient, optimistic, and tolerant
  4. Get a new computer with Final Cut Pro
  5. Maintain the 100SFD's and keep the blog going
  6. Go on a hiking/camping trip with Ash and Lazer

  1. Star in a feature film
  2. Have a radio show with Schwartz, or some kind of alternative creative endeavour
  3. Maintain less than 13% body fat (basically stay super healthy and physically fit)
  4. Buy a home
  5. Get lasik surgery
  6. Take a trip to the Greek islands with Ash
  7. Work with the Cohen Brothers, and Wes Anderson

  1. Start a family
  2. Own a production company
  3. Have homes on both coasts and abroad
  4. Be able to say I'm as in shape as I was on the day I got married
  5. Do films that aren't just comedy
  6. Still make Ash smile and laugh everyday
WOW!!!!!! That was nerve racking and SCARY to say the least!!!!! I pretty much would have rather put up a picture of me naked with make-up on!!!

Now here is a challenge for you... What are your goals? And are you willing to put them up somewhere where people can keep you accountable?! Maybe on this blog?! The reccomndation is to write down your short and long term goals four times a year. Two personal, two business, and two health goals for the next 1, 5, and 10 years.

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