Showing posts with label Workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Workout. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Warm Up- 
Jump Rope 5 minutes - every failure do 3 burpees
1 minute both feet
1 minute ali shuffle
1 minute left foot
1 minute right foot
1 minute running

AMRAP #1 (as many rounds as possible)
7 med ball twists (20 lbs) 2 count (Tyler did 12.5, Ash did 12.5)

5 seated press with kettlebell (36 lb for tyler and 26 for ash)
15 inverted burpees (Tyler did 3 and ash did 4)

Med Ball Twists

Seated Press with Kettle Bell

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

"Chippa Style" FFOTB style!

We get our beef cake on!!!!!
Did EVERYONE beat me.. yeah they did! I gave 100% effort though so who cares!

Do the following for time-

2 minutes MAX sit ups ANCHORED!  (I did 95)

2 minutes rest - directly into
50 Squats
50 Kettle Bell Snatches with (I used 44lbs)
40 sit ups
40 tire/box jumps
30 Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls  (I used 44lbs)
30 clapping push ups
25 yard over head walking lunges  (I used 44lbs)
25 yard sprint

15 minutes 16 seconds!

Get after it!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

FFOTB does "Grandmas Groceries"

This one sucks.. enjoy..

"Grandmas Groceries"

For Time-

200 meter run
30 mountain climbers
30 tuck jumps
30 kettle bell squat cleans
30 tuck jumps
30 mountain climbers

200 meter run 
30 mountain climbers
30 tuck jumps
30 kettle bell squat cleans
30 tuck jumps
30 mountain climbers
200 meter run

this took me 15:19, I started off with a weight that was too heavy for me, 44lbs, always like me, biting off more than I can chew. I switched to the 26 lb kettle bell but was really far behind already.

I plan on fucking this one up the next time I do it...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

FFOTB amrap

do this for 12 minutes, no rest

12 Med Ball Slams/ 12 Sledge Hammer Strikes
12 Tuck Jumps
12 KB Swings

I got through 7 rounds alternating between ball slams and hammer strikes

breakfast shred at FFOTB

for time -

400 meter run
40 squats
30 sit ups
20 push ups
10 burpees

Tylers time - 3:18

AMRAP 8 - do this for 8 minutes without stopping
8 Jumping Lunges
8 Bird Pickers
8 KB Swings (using 55lb kettle bell)

Day 1 with Logan

I don't think anyone reads this anymore so I wont be writing a ton of stuff, this is going to become more of a workout log. So if you are here and want some work outs, take a peek.

Logan Day 1

Warm up - 8 ball passes from 8 left side 8 right side (using a 12lb medicine ball)

(did following at montana stairs using loop there for 200 meters)


200 Meter run
40 sit ups
15 push ups
40 lateral raises, raise your side up while resting on your elbow(20 left 20 right side)
200 meter run
20 arch rocks
15 push ups
20 hollow rocks
200 meter run
90 seconds as many weighted front squats as possible (men use 44lb kettle bell, women lighter)

Tylers time - 9:18

Thursday, March 24, 2011

TEAM Workout!

I got back from my trip to Florida just in time for a great team workout Kenny had prepared for Tyler and I.  I suppose you could say that all of the workouts we do are team workouts, but lets not part hairs.  The idea is to complete the entire workout (each doing a 2 mile run up hill with 6 different exercises sporadically placed in between) as fast as possible, while communicating with your teammate along the way to distribute the work between you.  Certain movements are easy for me, like squats and inverted burpees, while others are Tyler's strength, such as pull ups and push ups.  We managed to keep it pretty even and worked really well together.  I guess that's a good sign for a newly married couple.  Go us!

So in case you have a workout partner and want to give it a shot, here it is...

Each person starts on a treadmill with the incline set at 3.0.  You each will need to run a total of 2 miles at the same time, keeping your paces the same.  If one gets tired and needs to pull back, the other person must do so too.  Here's the fun part- every 2 minutes you have to raise the incline by 1.0.  So, at 2 minutes into the run, you're raising it to 4.0, at 4 minutes you raise to 5.0, and so on.  Obviously the lower the incline, the easier it is, so the incentive is to cover as much ground at the beginning as you can.  Now, here's the even more fun part.  Every 2 minutes and 25 seconds, you push pause on the treadmill, hop off and both complete a team task.  The task is done one at a time, meaning when I'm working, Tyler is resting.  As I said, you can divide up the work however you want, you just have to make sure at least one person is moving at all times.  Both can't rest at once! As soon as you complete the task, get back on those treadmills and get towards that 2 mile mark!!

Here are the tasks to be completed, in order:
@ 2:17 - 50 inverted burpee 
@ 5:41 - 60 dumb bell front sq. 25lbs for the ladies & 35 for dudes.
@9:57 - 70 pullups 
@ 12:43 80 Kettle Bell swing 40 lbs for chicks & 50 lbs for dicks
@ 15:39 90 pushups 
@ trainers challenge pace  100 sit to stands

@ 2:17 - 50 inverted burpee 
@ 5:41 - 60 dumb bell front sq

@9:57 - 70 pullups 

@ 12:43 80 Kettle Bell swing
@ 15:39 90 pushups 

@ trainers challenge pace  100 sit to stands

Friday, March 11, 2011


I had another solo session with Kenny while Tyler is away in Tahoe.  I am starting to think that Kenny is enjoying beating up on me, but it's all good because I like getting beat up on in the gym!!
If you aren't familiar with a Tabata workout, it's basically
-5 minutes of warmup
-8 intervals of 20 seconds ALL-OUT intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest
-2 minutes of cool-down

You may read this and think "Only 8 minutes of work??, Gee that doesn't seem so bad...", but remember it's ALL-OUT intensity!  Meaning that for 20 seconds you are giving MAX effort, and trust me after 8 intervals of this it really catches up with you.  Especially with only 10 seconds of rest between each max effort!  Here is the Tabata workout that Kenny put me through:

Start on the treadmill, with the incline set to 12.0  (Yes, 12.0!)  Straddle the treadmill and put the speed as high as you can maintain for 20 seconds with that high of an incline.  (I started at a 9.1 speed.)  Watch the timer, and begin your uphill sprint for 20 seconds- you'll need to use the handrails for a second while your feet catch up with the treadmill!  It's funky at first, Be careful!  Do your 8 intervals of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest and maintain your speed. Do not stop the treadmill during your 10 second rest period, straddle it and let it run. Then you hop back on, its sort of like catching a moving train, move your feet or get sucked under.  Try not to decrease unless you have to!  It's a real MO-FO I'm telling ya!

As if this weren't enough... you get 3 minutes of rest, then it's on to the next part of the workout...

This Tabata is going to be 3 different movements, using the 20/10 intervals doing as MANY REPS AS POSSIBLE in the 20 seconds.

Dumbbell snatches:
-Using a 20 lb. weight, do 8 rounds of the 20/10 interval of as many snatches as you can, alternating arms each round (So you end up doing 4 rounds on each arm.)

Overhead ball slams:
-Using a 20 lb. ball, slam the ball on the ground as many times as you can during 8 rounds of the 20/10 interval.  Make sure you raise the ball completely over you head each time you slam the ball! No cheating!

Lateral Jumps:
-Using a weight bench- or some kind of low bench- hold on to the bench sideways and jump your legs over as many times as you can for the 20/10 interval.  Remember, 8 rounds!  This gets pretty nasty toward the last round...

Congratulations! You've completed the Tabata workout!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


While Tyler is off galavanting around Lake Tahoe, I have been here in Santa Monica kicking sugar's ass, while simultaneously Kenny Kane kicks mine.  I've done some pretty intense workouts with KK in the past 2 days. The first of which I like to call "Bloody Knuckles", basically because when I finished my knuckles looked like someone had run a cheese grater over my fists!  It was the closest thing to being in a fist fight I'll probably ever get.  It was not pleasant, but I sure felt like a real BADASS afterwards!!

So, here it is: BLOODY KNUCKLES!

"Burpee combination punch", which is a burpee (jump down into plank position,  jump back to standing) followed by a jab, cross punch, and a hook.  You'll need someone with a punching mat or a punching bag to work with, as well as some gloves.  And trust me, even with gloves on you'll still have bloody knuckles!  Do this combination 1 time, then the whole thing 2 times, and so on, up to 5... then work your way back down to 1.  (So it goes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)  Do it all as fast as you can!!

Then do:

5 rounds of:
10 pushups
50 Cross punches, alternating hands

5 rounds of:
10 front kicks/ side kicks combination, alternating legs each round

5 rounds of:
30 second handstand hold (preferably without the wall if you can)
50 hook punches, alternating hands

By now your knuckles should look something like this:

And there you have it!  Don't worry, it's nothing a little ice and Neosporin won't take care of.  Kenny also taught me how to do some super cool Karate moves called spinning heel kicks.  I don't think I could use them to defend myself in a dark alley just yet, but I'm working on it.  Thanks for the moves, KK!

Friday, March 4, 2011


Valentines Day Massacre is back... and it  STILL SUCKS!!! I'm not sure why but this work out really gets me in my head. I think its the lack of mental gaming you can do when you start since the times are all odd and strange. Ash and I both beat our old scores (distance ran, and reps) but in all honesty, I think I only did because I knew my old ones and could benchmark myself. Either way, I'm excited to do this when I'm not on my meriad. 

WARM UP- DS (I don't know why its called that)

Do between 2-5 rounds of the following (We did 2 since its just a warm up, but do 5 if you want a good work out!)

10 Burpees! Ash rocks these!

20 Sumo squats (Wide legs & fingers to the ground!)

30 Crunches!

 100 Ball Taps (Alternating legs)

Remember.. Its only 20 minutes long, and the times are broken up into confusing segments to keep you from gaming it. The goal is to get as many reps and as much distance as possible. so keep count!

1. Run on treadmill that's at 3% incline for 5:23 (hit pause, don't hit stop no matter what, so your distance is still there and you can go back to it)

2. Go immediately (NO REST) to do pull ups till the clock is at 9 minutes Meaning, do as many as possible for 3 minutes and 37 seconds . Guys do dead-hang pull-ups (no kicking your legs, just 100% arms) Girls, do jumping pull-ups or use a band. Ash does real pull-ups because she's a bad ass so just adjust if you have to.

3. Back to the treadmill (NO REST, THE CLOCK IS RUNNING), press unpause. Raise the incline to 6% and run as far as you can till the clock reads 12:47. meaning run for 3 minutes and 47 seconds. press pause not stop.

4. Straight into Weighted Squats, this will suck. Guys use two 25lb weights, girls use 15lbs. (remember everyone is unique so adjust accordingly) Do as many as possible till the 16 minute mark, or for 3 minutes and 13 seconds.

That's our bud Chris Mello giving Ash a good yelling at! Check his blog out HERE 
5. Back to the treadmill, take it down to flat, no incline! you have 4 minutes to cover as much distance as possible! This is a great place to really put yourself into a hole, go till you are almost at failure! Remember that you don't know what you can do till your body fails! 100% EFFORT!!

CONGRATS!!!! YOU FINISHED!!! Now lay on the floor and writhe!

Seriously guys, you should try this one! It is a BEAST! I'm pretty terrible at it but Ash kills it!

Good luck!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I am trying to put more videos up than pictures lately because its just more fun!

This work out I did with Kenny was surprisingly really tough for me, the lateral jump lunges are torture! I don't really do them right, my form sucks and yeah I'm bitching because I'm on my meriad! (see the news section if you don't get this) However I decided to suck it up and show you the video of the work out.


This one was built to help us with the Tough Mudder training!

Do the following 5 times! 3 minutes rest in between each set! (And do better form than I do!)

  1. SPRINT 200 yards!!!!
  2. Ten Lateral Jump Lunges (In the video I am pretty much cheating, its supposed to be a more explosive movement from the bottom of the lunge straight into the other side... It sucks because after a sprint your legs DO NOT want to work like this!)
  3. Five sprint jump things (just watch the video)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Park Work Out!

Ash and I went for a drive today and found the most amazing FREE outside gym right around us in Santa Monica! Where the heck has it been hiding all this time?! We had to stop and get a sweat on! The work out was pretty short, but intense!

I set a personal challenge to complete the whole course in under a minute!

After that I challenged other people to beat my best time... And I ALWAYS win in a challenge!!!!!!
(That's not actually true)

Shred Zone, here we come!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


The Flu is a real bitch.  Last year The Flu tried to get all up in my shit and I had to get in a fist fight with it so the Flu knew its place.

This year is going to be different! If The Flu even gets mouthy, things are going to get real nasty at my house. I'm basically going to start doing enemas of Echinacea and chugging orange juice! YOU GOT NOTHIN ON ME DUDE!

Ash and I have been feeling under the weather, so Kenny has taken it easy on the shredding.  Yesterday was basically a super stretch day. We did foam rollers and ball rolling all over and around the hips, calves, quads, traps, and glutes. Then I went home and drank water till my bladder almost exploded.. not kidding!

So today we had an interesting warm up, and if a picture is worth 1000 words then a video is worth like.. a whole lot more! Do the following 5 times with a 6 pound ball, without dropping the ball! If you drop the ball it doesn't count! Or you can count it, and consider yourself a slacker.

DO NOT confuse this warm up for "BALL SWEAT"... We are warming up! Not doing "BALL SWEAT"!

Next its on to the treadmill!

Start at a 12% incline and do 10 rounds of the following -

30 second sprint at a speed of 8.5
60 seconds rest

This kind of sucks at such a high incline. I could have gone quite a bit faster, but remember.. I'm scheduled to beat the shit out of The Flu this week.

Do the following just once - Unless you feel like not listening to me and doing whatever you want.

Rest 3 minutes

Run 800 Meters at a speed of 10.5, no incline!

This was pretty tough, my shoes came untied at the beginning and I decided to push through and not be such a baby about shoe laces.  I felt great and set a PR!

"Dude, you are gonna totally beat the shit out of The Flu when you seem him!"

Kenny gave Ash a different workout, since she is feeling a little more sick than me and also rehab-ing a shoulder issue from a few weeks ago.

She did 3 rounds of the following:  1/2 mile run on the treadmill followed by a 500 meter row. After three rounds of this, she was actually feeling better.  Kenny's theory was right, sometimes you just need to get your blood pumping in order to flush out some of the junk in your system.  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ryan and Lindsey go through "LABOR PAINS"

No, Ryan and Lindsey aren't on the 100SFD but they do however work at the gym Ash and I are shredding at, and they are training for the Tough Mudder. So if you plan on running that with us, this is an informal introduction. They witnessed the chaos of "LABOR PAINS" the day prior and decided that they wanted a taste.

Lindsey quit half way through... Well, I take that back, because its not entirely true... She didn't start till half way through and then didn't finish either. BOOYAH!!! That's right Linds, you are on 100SFD BLAST!!!! To be fair she had a busy schedule and was on her lunch break, but here at 100SFD we do not make excuses. We just kick ass!

If you look closely you can see her sitting down in the picture of Ryan doing standing sit ups!

Ryan however KILLED it! I helped coach him through the work, and he looked pretty much bummed the entire time. His form was FLAWLESS the whole time even when it got ugly at the end, so big bonus points for that!

In the end he was a good sport about going through labor without the help of his friend Lindsey. Now he just has to figure out how he is going to raise this workout as a single father since Linds left him high and dry;)

I told him to ask for some support. He is looking into it.

On another note, Ryan is pretty shredded and athletic, so i thought for sure he could beat Ashley's time... He came nowhere near it! Ash is still the champ! She even used the same weight as Ryan and I! I cant get near her time either! She is B-A-D! Great work Ash!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Girls-Night tries "BALL SWEAT"

For everyone that doesn't know, our very best friend Casey is nick-named "Girls-Night" (long story)

Kenny Kane trains Ash and I, but he also trains Girls-Night! She not only kicks sugars ass, but kicks the workouts that Kenny gives her in the ass too! She's about to kick "BALL SWEAT" in the tushie!

I popped in and got to watch her get after a workout this morning! It basically involves sprinting (causes sweat) and a medicine ball... with those powers combine... you get...


Warm Up - Rope Climbs - this is a warm up, so don't get your balls sweaty just yet, that's coming later!

Still Warming Up - Ball Work - 2 minutes total 
1 minute of plank position (NO REST)
30 seconds of knees to elbows (NO REST)
30 seconds of pelvic tilts (NO REST)

You shouldn't be sweating yet, cause BALL SWEAT hasn't started yet;)

Now you can rest. For about 2 minutes...

Good, now you are rested.. get your mind right... cause its...


Do the following 4 times!

1- Get on a treadmill and do 1/4 mile sprints! Get sweaty, run hella hard! If you're not sweaty, its just "BALL" and whats the point of BALL without the SWEAT? Keep those 2 words together because they are kindred spirits who love each other!

2 - Do this with a 6 pound medicine ball, This is the BALL part of "BALL SWEAT" 
Chest pass, side toss left, side toss right, underhand toss, over head (soccer) toss, behind the back toss, ball slam! Do this 7 times! That means 7 rounds every time you finish a run so (7 x 4) total. 

Kind of like this...

Repeat so you do 4 times total!

Have you done 4 rounds? Are you sweaty? Did you do 7 rounds of ball handling after each 1/4 mile sprint? If you did... congrats to you friend.. you just did "BALL SWEAT!"

Now... Sit on the floor and be exhausted!