Thursday, June 2, 2011

After 100 days!

So I realized that I asked everyone to write me and tell me how they
felt and what changed or didn't change during the past 100 days for

then I realized that it wasn't really fair unless I did it myself! So
here it is... my 100 day review and an after pic

So I haven't had refined sugar in 100 days and to be honest, it was a
struggle. It wasn't until the last 20 days that I felt like it became
habit and not a fight for me. It took me a LONG time to feel good from
NOT eating sugar. Last year I felt like the effects were IMMEDIATE
where this year it seemed slow. It was hard for me to keep going with
little or no results. In all honesty, if I hadn't set the goal to keep
blogging for the whole 100 days I think I would have given up.

Then it happened, about 70 days in I started feeling good, noticing
fat disappearing off my body, feeling lean. I know a ton of that
feeling was from the work outs Ash and I were doing, but I think the
sugar had a lot to do with it as well.

I have learned some stuff throughout this challenge as well, one thing
I think I struggle with is balance. I'm drastic, 100% all the time or
nothing at all. I bet if I had just put good effort into eating less
(practicing portion control) sugar as well as other foods I would have
felt better than just 100% not eating sugar. That's my own struggle
though. Live and learn.

Ash, Lannie, Girls-Night, and I all ran the tough mudder lat weekend!
We killed it! Everyone finished! Interestingly, Lannie (who didn't
train at all and has been eating sugar for months now) beat everyone
and was the 6th guy across the finish line out of almost 8,000 people
and our heat of 600. (I suspect doping and/or superior genetics but
that remains to be seen) Ash was the second girl to finish and I was
about the 30th guy! I was so proud our whole team did so well!

I had English toffee that night, a milk shake the next night, an ice
cream sandwich and some cookies... and honestly... I FEEL LIKE SHIT!
I'm going back to sugar free as on this morning! I think it has become
a lifestyle for me and I plan on keeping it up. Besides, I set some
goals on the blog early in the 100 days and one was to be in the best
shape of my life when I turn 30! That's only 55 days away and I don't
want to ruin it!

attached is a picture or Ash, Girls-Night, Lannie, and myself. I hope
that's good for a post 100 day picture for me since I'm shirtless. I
know its some good lighting, but I look pretty shredded. (I'm glad
vanity isn't one of the deadly sins)

thank you all for joining me on that journey, it meant the world to me
that everyone started this trip with me! I think in all honesty that
the reason I started this competition is because I have NO WILL POWER
with sweets and wanted to have my friends around me to keep me
accountable.  thanks for being there for me.

I also plan on keeping the blog up with our workouts!

Thanks again

Friends are the family we choose!

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